Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A New Blog!

Welcome to my shiny new beachcombing blog - I'm quite excited about this, as it's a whole brand new start and I will maintain ownership of my own words and photos while still being able to share them with other people. It's a win-win situation.

I thought I'd best start with a bit about me and where I live .... so feel free to skip through this if you know it all already, but you never know you might learn something!

I'm 39 and am lucky enough to have been able to return back home after living a long time away from the sea. I am married to the wonderful Peter, who is SUCH a landlubber - I call him a land-lockker as he grew up in the Midlands of England, locked from the sea on all sides; but I am lucky that he shares my love of beachcombing. Our house, garden and shed all contain 'treasures' from our trips down to the local beaches.

We live on the southwest Irish coast so we are fortunate enough to find all sorts of things on our beaches - items that have been carried on the drift from one side of the world to the other...I'll be writing about this in later posts I'm sure, but I have found tropical bean seeds, coconuts and items from American/Canadian boats.

I think this photo says it all ready - imagine having this on your doorstep!